Pemecah berita [copy paste from other souces]
5.15pm MB Nizar says the Pakatan Rakyat state government will not resign because it still is in power. Instead, it will seek another audience with the Sultan to request the state assembly be dissolved and fresh elections called.
MB Nizar tells press conference Pakatan Rakyat will appeal to the Sultan for the state assembly to be dissolved so that the people of Perak can decide on their next government. He, however, has not yet addressed the issue of him resigning as MB. - Star
Iklan: Tempat perhimpunan di tukar ke Stadium Perak kerana perkarangan Kediaman MB tidak akan mampu menampung kehadiran orang ramai.
4.58pm: A new BN government is expected to be sworn in today. Bernama reported that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the state BN representatives have arrived at Istana Kinta. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who is on an official visit to the state, is also expected to be present at the palace any time now.(
4.50pm: Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim said that they want to meet the sultan to convince him to dissolve the assembly.(
4.49pm Sebentar tadi Lim Kit Siang, Hj Hadi, DSAI berkata sultan sepatutnyaikut apa yang dinasihatkan oleh MB, untuk bubar DUN(
Maklumat terkini: Umno sudah mula ‘menyerang’ Kedah.(
Menurut blog Isham Rais - Jalan masuk ke Ipoh menuju ke rumah MB sesak.(
Benar…orang ramai tidak dibenarkan masuk kedalam pekarangan rumah MB. hanya wartawan dan bloggers dibenarkan masuk selain daripada kepimpinan PKR dan PAS. Hanya beberapa pemimpin DAP kelihatan masuk kedalam rumah MB.(
4.45pm: PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said that the Pakatan leadership fully backed Mohd Nizar's government. He added that the menteri besar will not resign unless a special state assembly session was called or fresh elections held.(
3.57 pm FRU telah mengepung pejabat SUK.(
3.45pm Maklumat dari YB….dari dalam rumah MB. “respect teman pada Sultan dah hilang…confirmed.”(
3.40pm Macam-macam berita yang masuk, setengah boleh percaya, setengah hampeh.(
Sidang media masih belum dibuat.Setakat ini kepimpinan PKR dan Pas sudah masuk kedalam rumah MB.(
3.22pm Salahudin Ayub sampai.(
3.28pm Dr. Lee Boon Chye tiba.(
3.30pm YB Rodziah Ismail dan rombongan Wanita PKR Pusat masuk kedalam rumah.(
3.15pm Sultan titah Nizar letak jawatan MB, Nizar enggan( The office of the Sultan of Perak, in a statement, said that after meeting all the 28 BN assemblypersons and the three independents, the sultan was convinced that Mohd Nizar had ceased to command the confidence of the majority of the state assembly members.
"If YAB Datuk Seri Ir. Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin does not resign his post as Perak menteri besar together with the members of the state executive council, the posts of menteri besar and state executive councillors are considered vacant," the statement said. (
2.45pm Report dr bernama nyatakan Sultan menitah Nizar letak jawatan. (
2.27pm: Bernama reports that the Sultan of Perak has rejected the request by Mohd Nizar for the dissolution of the state assembly. The report also said that the sultan has asked Mohd Nizar to step down to pave the way for a power transfer. (
aku xpki da dacing tuk timbang2.. berat aku da x efficient tuk timbang gne dacing.. :p...
mlm lak kt umah pki lampu.. pstu byr bil letrik yg mahal tu.. klu padam lampu.. xmasuk pun cahaya bulan dlm umah.. ahah.. so. jom.. bebas.. kunci ngn payung.. :p hahaha
Tunggu kena bom baru boleh sedar kot masyarakt melaysia ni.
Orang bukan islam dok gelak ja. Depa tak gaduh buat apa, orang islam dah kucar kacir kat Malaysia. Macam tu jugak la di negara2 Islam yang lain. Palestin antara Hamas dan Fatah .. Haish.
bg aku penerangan skit. ni kes PKR masuk UMNO kan?
bg aku, baik PKR atau UMNO, dasar mereka skrg ni mcm copy and paste je. cume pucuk pimpinan je org lain. ahli2 semua sama dah. ngan PAS2 skali dh goyah mcm takde pendirian dah. nak wat camne kalau dh bersekongkol ngan kafir kan.
same je la PKR ngan BN ni. takde beze. maybe ade la salah 1 pihak tu yg terlalu banyak guna duit dan kuasa. tu je beza dia.
ampun..mampus pasni aku kene fire kat org2 PKR. aku x pandai berpolitik. ni pendapat dr aku yg x baca dan tak tengok berita. wakakaka.
waaa.. ajat... anak ko kat tepi da complete bentuk dia.. hehe. cumel.. tiap kali masuk page ko.. mesti tgk gmbr tepi tu... xlama lagi leh la start rase tendangan si kecil ni.. xde la kuat mane.. tp bleh rase la... hehe...